3 January 2023 Conditions of entry to our watchmaking experiences

The wearing of a mask and the Sanitary Pass are no longer compulsory for our watchmaking experiences.

An experience made specially for you

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Discover our offers of unique stays linked with the world of watchmaking

Make your own watch Le Locle

Apprentices of Time workshop

During this unique watchmaking experience at a workshop in Le Locle's industrial zone, you can assemble your own mechanical watch… and take it home with you!

What the activity involves

With all the tools of a professional watchmaker and guided by the invaluable advice of an expert, you’ll learn to make your own mechanical watch, step by step, having chosen its components and external parts. A hands-on way to explore watchmaking techniques.


Pôle Industrie, Jambe Ducommun 19, 2400 Le Locle

Opening hours

1. Scheduled workshops :
– Every second Wednesday of the month: 17:00-21:00
– Every last Saturday of the month: 08:00-12:00

Next sessions:

Saturday 31 August 2024
Wednesday 11th September 2024
Saturday 28 September 2024
Wednesday 9th October 2024
Saturday 26 October 2024
Wednesday 13 November 2024
Saturday 30 November 2024
Wednesday 11th December 2024

2. Exclusive and group workshops :
Activity available throughout the year, reservation required. Times and reservation on request.

Prices 2024

Scheduled workshop : CHF 915.- per person

Group workshop from 3 to 4 persons : CHF 1’200.- per person

Individual workshop (1 to 2 persons) : CHF 1’460.- per person

Welcome: coffee-croissant or aperitif offered

German with translator: price supplement of CHF 200.-


4 hours

Number of persons

1 to 4 persons

Minimum age

16 years old


fr / de*/ en / it (* with translator, price supplement)

    Booking request
    Number of persons*
    Workshop choices*
    Desired date*
    Each participant has the required minimum age of 16 years old*
    General terms and conditions of Explore Swiss Watchmaking
    Offer this experience
    Number of coupons
    Language / Product